Thank you and Welcome

This little message is just to say hi and welcome, If you haven't already read the about me section on this page, I would suggest you go and take a look. That section will tell you some basic information about myself and will tell you the reasoning for this blog. If you like, please stick around and feel free to take a glance around this page. If you like what you see, please feel free to follow and keep up to date with the latest ideas I have for my project.
Thanks once again guys
Josh Tills

Monday, 16 January 2012

Pre - Liminary Task - Behind the scenes footage

The link below will take you to a video of all the extra footage I filmed for the pre - liminary task. It gives a different perspective from just watching the pre lim task and shows you first hand all of the work and planning that went into the task. I have more bloopers so if I have time, I may make a montage of bloopers. Much love, Peace!

P.S: If the link does not work, go to one of the other links posted earlier, for example the second vlog, and look at other uploads. This link should work though

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